Architecture & Interior Design

Shelter designs

Duffy Design creates a shelter that can be assembled with a screw driver. UNCHR designs for shelter. Find here the link to the guide, some of the designs included in the guide are these: Emergency shelters made with paper, here.

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Shelter designs

Duffy Design creates a shelter that can be assembled with a screw driver. UNCHR designs for shelter. Find here the link to the guide, some of the designs included in the guide are these: Emergency shelters made with paper, here.

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Y3 Disaster shelter A

Please find below our student guide for Criteria A. You will be able to find here all you will need to complete your report. Have a look at the rubrics since they have changed from last year. We will now

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Y3 Disaster shelter A

Please find below our student guide for Criteria A. You will be able to find here all you will need to complete your report. Have a look at the rubrics since they have changed from last year. We will now

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Sketch up

This is a nice and easy video that Martin shared with us as help for this unit:

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Sketch up

This is a nice and easy video that Martin shared with us as help for this unit:

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Orthographic projections

Great presentation about orthographic projections. Understand why it is important to draw your product from the different views in order to be understood by others. On the first slide it talks about the idea of the glass box and how

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Orthographic projections

Great presentation about orthographic projections. Understand why it is important to draw your product from the different views in order to be understood by others. On the first slide it talks about the idea of the glass box and how

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Small space housing

Check out this apartment in HK 309 sq feet (28,7 sq meters) And Gary’s Chang 330 square feet apartment (30 square meter) also in HK. Virginia shared with us this “small space challenge” on how to make the best of

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Small space housing

Check out this apartment in HK 309 sq feet (28,7 sq meters) And Gary’s Chang 330 square feet apartment (30 square meter) also in HK. Virginia shared with us this “small space challenge” on how to make the best of

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Eco-living Resources

Here is a list of some resources to use for your research. 1. Architecture and Interior Design National Geographic sends his Planet Mechanics to Liverpool and visits the architecture students designing container housing. (47:20) A day in the life of

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Eco-living Resources

Here is a list of some resources to use for your research. 1. Architecture and Interior Design National Geographic sends his Planet Mechanics to Liverpool and visits the architecture students designing container housing. (47:20) A day in the life of

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