G9 Game on! D
Class 26 (9N June 7th, 9O&9Q June 8th, 9L June 9th)1. D3: Improvements After completing the evaluation in D2 you probably noticed there are areas of the game that could be improved. Now it is time to list 3-4 improvements To get 7-8 you need to explain how the educational game could be improved in 3-4 suggestions. The (first) improvement I could make is ……. Why-based on what data… How you would do this change (write-draw a sketch)… How will this improvement affect the overall game. Improvements to the game/idea ex. The first improvement is adding color to my game, since 3 ouf of 3 said my game was not appealing enough. So I would add red, blue and yellow to my cards, following this sketch below. Yellow for my action cards, red for ….. this way my cards will be identified by color so easier to recognize. The improvements can also be to the survey: ex. I realised my survey was poorly designed because I was not able to get enough data to be able to think of meaninful improvements. All of them ended up writing extra comments at the end, because none of my questions allowed them to provide data. So, I would make sure to add more open questions since most of mine are closed. For example in q4 instead of asking: did you learn anthing about polar bear habitat? I would change it for: what did you learn after playing the game? or do you have any suggestions to make the learning more clear? This way they won’t need to write extra comments in the survey and I would we able to analize the results better. 2. D4: Impact: are you teaching climate change? Finally, you need to evaluate if your game is really teaching what you were supposed to teach. D4 is connected to A1 so read what you wrote in A1 and make sure you are addressing how successful you are in your teaching. Please use data and quotes that support it. To get 7-8 you need to explain the impact of the game on the audience 3. Upload at the end of the class Make sure you have everything:
Class 25 (9N May 28th, 9O&9Q May 31st, 9L June 1st)1. Surveying your games (40 minutes) Please make 4 groups of 4 people. Print your surveys and place your games in the center. You will be filling 3 surveys by hand. Give them to the owner of the game at the end. 2. Evaluating your games (40 minutes) D2 has 2 different parts: To show proof of authentic testing:
You can tell in what areas your game was successful and in what areas it was not so successful. Mention the specifications and mention the results from the surveys and the interviews. We are not looking for your opinion, but the summary of what others said about your game. Try to follow this formula: Met-not meet the specification + what specification + proof or quote + why… I met my aesthetics specifications because according to 100% of my surveys they were colorful and attractive. Also if they wrote something at the end of the survey, even if it was not the answer to any question, please include it. Please remember we will have to write impromemens in D3, so this is not the place to mention these. 3. Homework: complete anything you have left to be ready for next class. Since the timing is very tight and you will have only one more class, please make sure you come to the last class with all this done.
Class 24 (9N May 28th, 9O&9Q May 31st, 9L June 1st)0. Check grades on MB. A,B,C final grades. Write your name on the board and call me if something seems off or wrong or you have questions. 1. Timing for Criterion D
Now is the time for you to share the games with other people and see if the game is teaching what you thought it would teach and what you could have made differently or improve. You will need 2 testing methods. We recommend: 1. Interview with your audience. Prepare a 5 minutes interview with a person in the Audience (Keystone Community) that is not a G9 student. In this interview will talk about how fun the game is, if they are learning what they are supposed to learn, the look of the game. There is no specific number of questions, it can be a conversation. Make sure to record it to have a proof that it happened. 2. Survey (3) with your classmates. They went through the same process so you will be talking about the skills: cutting, gluing and design skills. This will help you write about the improvements to the game. Consider that the survey should take 5-10 minutes to complete. We will do this in Class 2 of Criterion D. Print the survey before the class, to be ready. 3. Coming up with the questions for your survey and interview Today we are going to come up with the questions, based on the specifications you wrote in B1 (the list of things your game should have). When coming up with questions please remember that open questions are more effective than close questions (yes/no) since you need to write about how your audience felt about the game and what improvements you would made. After you have the questions, please present both tests briefly. 4. Completing the tests Please complete the interview as homework. Remember that you will need to show proof, so record it. Please print the surveys before next class. 5. For next class: