G8 Power of Expression B
Class 16 (8P April 26th)1. Finishing B4 Today we will continue drawing and making the list of requirements in B4. 2. Summative B Please upload your summative B before the end of the class. Class 15 (8K April 21st)1. Developing your idea in more detail, B4 Once you selected your best idea in the last class (B3) it is time to draw it in more detail) and make a list of all the requirements (tools and materials) that you will need to produce it in Criterion C. Let’s have a look at the rubric:
2. Detailed drawings for 3D or 2D pieces If you are doing 3D sculpture you will need to create accurate orthographic projection by hand or CAD with dimensions, colors and materials.
3. List of tools and materials you will need to produce your piece. 4. Summative B + Resubmission A Today will be the first out of 2 classes working on B4. We will upload the summative at the end of last class. There is no checkpoint for B4 so ask your teacher any questions you have during class. Class 14 (8P April 15th)1. Choose the best idea out of the 3 Fill in the previous table to compare against the specification, but please remember you are getting graded on the justification, not on the table. 2. Write the justification referring back to the specifications Once you have completed the table, please write 200 words explaining why you have chosen that exploration according to the specifications. Include the sketch of idea idea chosen. At the end of the class you will upload B3 so I can check and give you comments. Class 13 (8Q April 12th)1. Student Led conferences (40 minutes) We are going to spend the first 40 minutes of the class today to help you prepare for the Student led conferences next weekend (24-25th April). You will have to upload 2 pieces of Design work to your Portfolio on MB. I recommend you to pick the Design brief, A4 (or A1 in case your Design brief was not complete) and B2 the initial sketches for your project. So this is how you will be naming your files:
After uploading your 2 files you will upload a 3rd file called the Reflection Piece. In order to do that you will go to these 40 reflection questions You will choose 1 question of each section (backward, inward, outward and forward) and answer them in that file. This questions will allow you to prepare a conversation with your parents about the work you have done in Design so far.
2. Next step: Choosing your best idea After finishing your specifications and completing your 3 sketches, the next step of the process is choosing which idea seems to be the best one. I will providing you with comments today during class, you can also use them to make your selection. However, after I was checking your files I realized that you are not ready to go there yet, so please make sure that before next class:
Continue working on this as homework, next class you will upload your selection, B3 so I can check and help you towards the making process. Class 12 (8P April, 7th, 8Q&8K April 8th)1. Resubmissions for 0-2 are collected If your grade is a 0, 1, 2 you can send me your work on Teams by Tuesday April 6th and I will regrade you. Please indicate your changes in a different color. 2. Last class you uploaded 3 drawings to MB I will be giving you individual comments today one to one. When you receive the comments you can improve the drawings based on your comments before uploading them to your task sheet as B2. Make sure your ideas have the main parts we need to understand your drawing: 3. Specifications Go to MB and download our task sheet for Criterion B. Today we will write the specifications based on what you wrote in your A4. This is the table we will complete: Please check these examples to get a better idea on how concise you should be writing. At the end of the class you will upload the specifications and your (improved) drawings in the FORM B1+B2. Class 11 (8K March 31st, 8P&8Q April 1st) 1. Checking grades on Managebac for T3 On your Term 3 report you will get the grade for Criteria A for this unit. And the grades for B, C, D for the previous unit. You will also be graded on the ATL giving and receiving feedback. To receive a Meeting Expectations (ME) you needed to show proof of the exchange. It is not ok just to say “My friend Eva said…” 2. Can I resubmit my work? If your grade is a 0, 1, 2 you can send me your work on Teams by Tuesday April 6th and I will regrade you. Please indicate your changes in a different color. If your grade is a 3 or more, you will need to wait until Summative B is due and upload your work in the same box. Please indicate your changes in a different color. 3. Continue drawing today. At the end of the class please take a picture and upload your 3 ideas into Managebac. Make sure:
Class 10 (8P March 26th, 8Q&8N March 29th)1. Thinking by sketching (40 minutes) At this point you have a topic and you know what kind of piece you want to make. Today, we will be brainstorming by sketching freely. Instead of thinking with words, this time we are going to be thinking with images. Here is an example. It does not matter how many ideas. Just put them on paper. Use pen, pencil, colors, markers.. whatever you want. 2. ATL: Give and receive feedback. (5 minutes) You are going to make pairs and you will discuss your drawings for 5 minutes. See what they think about your sketches and give and receive suggestions for improvement. 3. Draw more applying the comments. (10 minutes) See how you can improve your ideas with the comments of your pair. Draw freely for 10 more minutes. 4. Collecting your work and keeping it in class. Please give the page to Mr Hervé. Make sure it has your name on it, and your topic. |