Stories with Morals

In this unit we are going to choose a story and create a twist that either changes the moral, the gender representation or the time/place of the original story.

If you are looking for stories with morals, you can probably look for a fairy tale, here is a good resource for tales from all over the world, or you can also look at these resources below to look for more literary stories.

Common lit is a good resource. You can find short stories here by your Reading level. You do not need to choose stories from grade 9. Feel free to pick any story.

Some recommendations from Literature MYP teachers, are below:

  • The story of an hour by Kate Chopin
  • Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut
  • The Pedestrian by Ray Bradbury
  • The Secret Life of Walter Mitty by James Thurber
  • The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell.

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