Parallel perspective drawing

According to Merriam Webster parallel perspective drawing is a linear perspective in which parallel lines of the object that are perpendicular to the drawing surface are represented as meeting at a point on the horizon in line with the common point of intersection of the lines of projection —called also one-point perspective.

One point perspective is a drawing method that shows how things appear to get smaller as they get further away, converging towards a single ‘vanishing point’ on the horizon line. It is a way of drawing objects upon a flat piece of paper (2D) so that they look three-dimensional.

Parallel perspective drawing has three main elements:

  1. Horizon line (HL)
  2. Point of sight (PS)
  3. Vanishing point (VP) (lines converging there are vanishing lines)


This comic website has some clear drawings to explain how the change of any of the three elements creates multiple situations.


The dot this in inside the man’s head, above, is called the Point of Sight and it is the point that is directly opposite the eye of the viewer.


Sometimes the vanishing point is imaginary when nearby objects intervene, as the room.


In this drawing (above) it is a high horizon line. In the drawing below it is a low one. The effect of looking up or down at anything is brought out by the horizon line being placed high or low.


Objects in perspective are not always placed so that they require one vanishing point. When at an angle, the lines run in two directions to two vanishing points, and this is called ANGULAR PERSPECTIVE, as shown in the drawing below.




With this two final drawings you can try drawing any building around you. Now it is time for you to practice with real life photographs.

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