Instruments made from trash

Young musicians from a Paraguayan slum play Mozart on instruments constructed entirely from recycled materials pulled from the garbage dump their homes are built on. Also Trashbeatz recycles materials to make their instruments and calls themselves “the most ecofriendly band in

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Instruments made from trash

Young musicians from a Paraguayan slum play Mozart on instruments constructed entirely from recycled materials pulled from the garbage dump their homes are built on. Also Trashbeatz recycles materials to make their instruments and calls themselves “the most ecofriendly band in

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Typography videos

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ – Experimental Typography . For a typography exhibition at the Museum for Applied Art Frankfurt we created a series of video clips of letterforms being manipulated by various devices. Download the free font and watch all 26 videos on

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Typography videos

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ – Experimental Typography . For a typography exhibition at the Museum for Applied Art Frankfurt we created a series of video clips of letterforms being manipulated by various devices. Download the free font and watch all 26 videos on

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Orthographic projections

Great presentation about orthographic projections. Understand why it is important to draw your product from the different views in order to be understood by others. On the first slide it talks about the idea of the glass box and how

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Orthographic projections

Great presentation about orthographic projections. Understand why it is important to draw your product from the different views in order to be understood by others. On the first slide it talks about the idea of the glass box and how

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Schooling the World

Interesting documentary about education in remote places of the planet. Children are leaving their villages to go get a better education in the big cities. An education in English and computers and useful things that will assure them a better

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Schooling the World

Interesting documentary about education in remote places of the planet. Children are leaving their villages to go get a better education in the big cities. An education in English and computers and useful things that will assure them a better

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Haruki Nakamura

Haruki Nakamura creates mechanical gears out of paper. He is also the author of the book Karakuri that we will be using for this unit. He also sells his designs on his website and he also has many videos showing his creations.

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Haruki Nakamura

Haruki Nakamura creates mechanical gears out of paper. He is also the author of the book Karakuri that we will be using for this unit. He also sells his designs on his website and he also has many videos showing his creations.

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Design challenges

A collection of 30 minutes design challenges compiled form different sources. Useful to start the year or to have some fun activities. Alluminium boats, by Illustration source.

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Design challenges

A collection of 30 minutes design challenges compiled form different sources. Useful to start the year or to have some fun activities. Alluminium boats, by Illustration source.

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Problem solving

Design is all about problem solving. And if we think about it our life is full of problem-solving activities, even though we do not always think about them this way. “Having a strategy or process to approach lots of different

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Problem solving

Design is all about problem solving. And if we think about it our life is full of problem-solving activities, even though we do not always think about them this way. “Having a strategy or process to approach lots of different

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